
Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Kitchen Science

What I did: I did experiments and I was so good and it was fun. I made lemonade by mixing lemon juice and sugar. In the lemonade there were bubbles of carbon dioxide gas and the raisins kept on going up and down.
We also made elephant toothpaste and it was fun and exciting.
I drew labelled diagrams and filed in an experiments framework.
The lemonade was so tasty and yum and it was actually pretty cool that the raisins went up and down .

Kids Teach

Kids Teach

KIds Teach is when kids teach other kids.
We teach heaps of kids new games and sports. A kid teaches another kid new things like sports so that the game would be easy for them. They can teach other kids then it is like a chain that goes for life. So you can teach them lots of other skills like sports. At Kids Teach, I learned netball. I liked it but it got a little bit boring. Next time they could start straight away.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Stuey and the mouse


                                               The mouse and Stuey the old man.

 One day Stuey jumped to hide behind the couch because he saw a mouse. He was scared and he wanted to try and catch it. Before he set up a trap, the mouse got into it. Stuey screamed in joy and then he got same newspaper and shoved it under the box. He put the box on the window sill. He heard a cat so he  quickly brought it in. He got a fork and made same holes so he could breathe. Stuey gave the mouse some food. The mouse rejected the food. Stuey also gave him some water. He lifted up the box and then he pretended that he ate the crumb. He actually did not. He tried to pat the mouse. It ran away but that night the mouse came back and then he stole the crumb of his jersey and he took a crumb and he walked away.

Friday, August 2, 2019

The Tuatara

The tuatara is a very unique animal. They have been on Earth for 225 million years and their closest relative died with the dinosaurs. They are lizards and they have a third eye. They were so small then they could climb trees so they did not die.

Friday, June 28, 2019

My maps

We were all making a google my maps and we were researching about it so we made a map about it and I am still working on it.

my maps

Monday, April 1, 2019

My camp

The camp was so fun and we went to air rifles. We had to shoot at the cans and after that we played a game. 
Next we did raft building and the giant swing.I yelled on the first turn and on the second turn
I was not so scared.
I went to level 3 on the giant swing. It was awesome.
Last we did team building. It was all about 
Tem work and for lunch we had hot dogs
And they were good.